WonderSkool (WS Education Pvt. Ltd.), with its office in Chandigarh Tricity (Panchkula), is an organization with the sole mission of assisting students in developing insight into various fields of studies to choose from. We provide a platform where we make students aware of different courses and career options for which planning can be started ‘NOW’, based on individuals liking, interest and aptitude. It is an entrepreneurial venture amalgamated from the vision and dream of academicians and educationists to provide the foresighted solutions to the education sector which help students in looking at career alternatives in new light.
In today’s highly competitive environment and information overflow, it is imperative that the student gets the right information with clear-cut rationale. We at WonderSkool believe that if a student chooses a career that is in sync with his/ her Aptitude, Interest and Personality, he is likely to be more productive and successful in life.
Education is supposed to make a man think. It helps in developing the ability for reasoning. It helps in realizing one’s true potential and individuality. Education is supposed to make us believe in our dreams and lend us a path in making that dream come true.
The WonderSkool team wants to help in traversing that path. We believe in extending a helping hand to make the journey more interactive, fun filled and productive via our extensively designed solutions and offerings for the Education Sector.
To strive for that day, when a single child won’t be saying - “I could not achieve that, because I did not know about it”
We firmly believe in the axiom that 'Nothing is Impossible'. It may sound clich, but the word Impossible itself breaks down into 'I-M-Possible' (that is I am possible). We endeavor to convert the same belief in a more practical sense. From this belief we carve out our 'Mission Possible', which is
To ensure that every child in near future makes an aware decision for his or her career; They do not end up repenting the ignorance on plethora of other career options which they could have opted for, if they were adequately and timely informed