Every year, Indian railways generate lot of jobs openings to a large number of Indian nationals. It requires a variety of people at the administrative, technical and non technical operations, to work together for the smooth functioning of the rail systems. Candidates with qualifications ranging from 10th standard to engineering graduates can find job openings in the varied operations of the Indian Railways.
Technical and non-technical service departments categorized under the groups namely A, B, C and D.
Groups |
Description |
Eligibility |
Selection Process |
Group A |
Gazetted post(Office Cadres) |
Conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), New Delhi. |
Group B |
Gazetted post(Office Cadres) |
Group C staff |
Directly promotion of Group C staff |
Group C |
non-gazetted subordinate posts: clerical staff, supervisors and skilled labour |
Varies according to post* |
Through 19 Railway Recruitment Boards, which are controlled by the Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB) |
Group D |
non-gazetted subordinate posts: unskilled and semi-skilled labour |
Varies according to post* |
Through 19 Railway Recruitment Boards, which are controlled by the Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB) |
1) Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerk (Qua: Degree)
2) Accounts Clerk (Qua: Matriculation)
3) Jr. Accounts Asst. (Qua: Degree : Eng. typing 30 wpm, Hindi typing 25 wpm)
4) Prob. Astt. Master Rly. Station (Qua: Degree/ Diploma in Traffic & Management preferred)
5) Trainee Asst. (Qua: Matriculation and Driver (Elect/ Diesel) Cert. from ITI)
6) Apprentice (Qua : Mechanic Dip in Elect. Engg. (DH/ Elect.)
7) Apprentice (Qua: Mechanic Dip in Mech. Engg. (DH/ Mech)
8) Apprentice Signal Inspector (Gr. I) (Qua : B.E. (Elect/ Electro/ Telecom)
9) Apprentice Signal Inspector (Gr. III) (Qua: Dip. (Mech/ Elect/ Electro/ Telecom) or B.Sc. (Physics)
10) Skilled Artisan (Qua: Matriculation and ITI Cert).
11) Stenographer (Eng) (Qua: Matriculation and proficiency in Eng. Stenography 80 w.p.m. Eng. Typing 40 w.p.m.)
12) Trainee Elect (Qua: BE (Mech/ Elect/ Foreman Electro)
13) Apprentice Inspector Apparent. Permanent way Inspector (Gr.lll) (Qua: Dip. (Civil/ Mech/ Electro)
14) Apprentice Train Examiner (Qua: Degree)
15) Guard (Qua: Degree)
16) Law Asst. (Qua: Degree in Law)
17) Statistical Asstt. (Qua: MA/ M.Sc. with Eco/ Stats/ Maths)
Disclaimer: The information provided here is to the best of our knowledge. It is highly recommended that you cross check the source of information through the specific Colleges and Universities. Career Prabhu is in no way responsible for the decisions made solely on the basis of this document